Thursday, February 12, 2009

I am Bored

Whoaaaa!!!!! I'm bored.....I want something new...

Life's always been the same for the past four years...wake up in the morning, take a bath, choose what to wear and drive 15 minutes going to work, grab a cup of coffee and sandwich while opening my computer and check what's on top of my the website for the local news and ready to start my job..

I will spend another 8 hours sitting and doing all the accounting works for yesterday's transactions and do errands if needed. But, I'm so thankful coz I'm still working, I have job and still earning something every pay period despite of all the stressful news of thousands of people losing jobs, company closing etc...etc...
I'm not tired nor complaining...I'm just soooo bored...

8 hours have passed and it's time to go home, drive another 15mins to reach the house, take a walk sometimes if my body wants to..but mostly some near groceries or fancy restaurant but since it's time of crises, just go home directly....huhu!!!! so sad that we don't have mall of asia or trinoma here unlike in the!hu!hu! sooo sad..and that's adds to my boredom.

Hmmmmppp!!!! anyways, all I know is I want something new, something exciting, something fun, I want adventure, I want freedom, I want money..more money, I want to be happy, I want to be of big help to others, I want to be part of somebody's life and make them happy. I want to enjoy life and live to the fullest...but how???????


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