I really thought it was my lucky day yesterday because I got a notice from one of my colleague that they will be needing my help again in the restaurant, and that means....I have my part time job again...yahooo!!!! I don't know for how long, what I'm sure of is it's an extra income for me...hehe!!!
Kind'a need extra effort for me to work 8 to 5 pm five days a week and run to my next job which start 6 to 10pm weekdays and 10am to 2pm weekends..whhheeehhhh!! but what's really heart warming to know is the warmth welcome from my old buddies...hay!!! touching..good to see my old friends there and a quick chit-chat.
We're not that busy that evening, not so much customer feels dining out maybe, so we thought we will be going home earlier but there's this russian family coming in for late dinner and unfortunately late call from guess who???our super regular guest and my boss...huhu!!!he's going to eat dinner and ordered in advance. We're all in a hurry to prepare his food and table,coz he'll be coming in any moment. But that moment took us more than hour waiting for him... hu!hu!hu! soo sad, the should be early time out for me became an hour extension on regular schedule.
Isn't it a "lucky day" for me????