Sunday, July 18, 2010

My "Ipad" - Lovin' it!

After the March released of Apple iPad, I've been wanting to have one but, instead of reserving a unit and buy, I just wrote it down on my wish list. While enjoying all my iphone apps, little did I know what I will be getting my iPad sooner than I thought.

And, finally after almost 4 months from it's released I already had one....My latest Apple gadget has arrive..My iPad.. My iPad...I am sooo, sooo happy and excited...wahaha!!!

With an 1/2 inch thick, weighs 1.5 pounds and a 9.7-inch touch screen I can say that it is really a good deal especially to those computer addicts like me.

It's a lot bigger version of my iphone but smaller version of laptop, the good things is it's a touch screen, longer battery life of 10 hours or more, even though it's just 16 gb still, I really love it. Now, I can be busier than ever playing my old time favorite games plus a lot more of new release apple apps, and one of the best is playing farmville on iPad, whewww!

No more dull moments for me for the meantime. Now, with my iPad on hand I can check Facebook, Twitter, emails, play games, read books, browse the internet even when lying in bed till I fall asleep and without any hassle of plugging in, opening and shutting down computer.

The best thing with this gadget I can use it anytime, anywhere.

"Mismatched Settings on Wireless Network"

How to change computer network settings that do not match the network requirements??

I asked the help of my brother to fix and put password in my wireless router and he easily done that without any sweat. But after we got disconnected and restart my laptop, I cannot connect to the internet anymore. This is because I need to change the network settings.

Here's the simple steps you need to do to change your settings (Windows Vista)

1.) Go to Control Panel
2.) Click on Network and Sharing Center
3.) Click on Manage Wireless Networks (On the left hand side).
4.) Click on your network and remove it from the list.
5.) Lastly, search for the available wireless networks and connect.
Enter your password and presto!
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