Friday, May 14, 2010

Facebook Warning: Do's and Don'ts on Facebook

Facebook is highly in demand and most publicized social networking now a days. And because millions of millions of people are using Facebook in keeping in touch with families, long lost friends and other people you knew or just meet online, we should take a necessary precautions before the hackers get in your way.

Here are some of the DO's and DONT's on your account on FACEBOOK:


Create a highly secured personal password.
Mix letters and numbers in creating one.

Do not use a very common password like names, birthdays, anniversaries that is very much related to you.
Do not save or remember your user name and password online.
Do not divulged your password to anyone.


Give only a little or less of your personal information.

Do not fill in your full birthday, you may skip it or just give the month and date but forget the year. It's very ideal for the thieves to gain access to your credit card or banks.
Do not publicized all the names of your family member, pets and contact nos. it's just like giving away so much information for other people with wrong motives.


Make sure you double check or customized your privacy options and settings.
Restrict or limit the accessibility of your network to your profile.

Do not allow other people to gain access to your profiles, photos unless they are in your friends list.


Be responsible enough in uploading your photos, videos and making shout outs since FACEBOOK is a social networking, once uploaded or shared thousand and millions of people can see it right away.

Do not upload other people's photo especially if it's their solo without asking their permission first, you're becoming so disrespectful and violating their rights of privacy.
Do not use full child's name in caption, if somebody else does ask them to delete it or remove the tag.
Do not post shout outs like "going away for 2 weeks" or "leaving for Paris" or "I'm home alone". It's like your announcing or encouraging anyone to go to your place. It's better to be safe nowadays, wait until you get home to tell everyone how awesome your vacation was.


Be sure to double check the Search section of Facebook privacy for public search box result isn't checked.

Do not let strangers access your accounts by just searching you.


Make sure that your child/children below 13 years of age and teenagers are well supervised by parents or adults in using FACEBOOK.
The best way to provide oversight is to become one of their online friends.
Use your email e-mail address as the contact for their account so that you receive their notifications and monitor their activities.

Do not let them access internet web base social networking like FACEBOOK without guiding and teaching them the correct way.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Natural Ways to Energize Yourself

Are you tired and stressed out with your daily routine in everyday's life?

"Time is precious" in our super hectic schedule, but a minute or a 60 seconds of your time is precious to recharge your energy the natural way.

These simple and easy steps will give you energy throughout the day.

Spend time talking to God about your worries and concerns for the day. He has the energy to take care of you even when you don't.

Spend at least 10 second of your time reflecting on things you are grateful for. (your family, your friends anything and you will find yourself smiling and ready to face the world.

Spend a minute of your time to reorganize your day's priorities and accept that there are many things beyond our control. Stress drains your energy, so this de-stressing technique allows your energy to be better spent.

Deep Breathing
This technique is absolutely free. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale to your mouth. Use your diaphragm so your belly rises and falls. Hold your breath for a count of three before releasing. Repeat 10 times or until you feel energized.

Spend a minute to stretch your body where you need the most. Reach up then touch your toes. Stretch slowly until your muscles tense and then release. You should not feel pain with the stretch.

Wind Sprint
Spend a minute or so of your time to go outdoor and run. If you can't run a wind sprint, try one minute of stationary jumping jacks or fast walking. This awakens your entire body and mind and can result in hours of extra productivity.

Fresh Fruit
Fresh fruits is a natural way to get the energy enhancing nutrients your body craves. The fresh and sweetness taste of fresh fruits invigorate your body and cleanse you internally.

Dark Chocolate
Yes!Chocolate. Believe it or not but it's Dark Chocolate, one piece of dark chocolate a day is good for you! It will not only satisfies your sweet tooth, it also contains antioxidants that give a boost of energy in your body. But remember: one piece a day only!

Spend a minute of your time visualizing yourself relaxing like having a massage or walking barefoot at the beach or how will you relax this evening or thinking of a vacation. The anticipation that builds can renew your vigor for the day, knowing there is a relaxing reward not far off.
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