Friday, January 29, 2010

Apple Ipad - Latest Apple Gadget

Experience the latest technology in the market today, with the new Apple Ipad. Take advantage of the large Multi-Touchscreen in checking your Mails, Photos, Facebook and with its large, high-resolution screen makes Ipad perfect for watching your favorite videos. Ipad has 140,000 applications from App Store from games to business applications including iBooks.

The best thing about Apple Ipad is it's thin and light. The screen is measured 9.56 inches, 1.5 pounds and 0.5 inch thin. With just the tip of your finger you have all the easy access to anything and everything from web to music to business and games.

With iPad you'll get all the latest innovations and technology from it's reasonable prices:

Wi-Fi $499 (16GB) $599 (32GB) $699 (64GB)
Wi-Fi+3G $629 (16GB) $729 (32GB) $829 (64GB)
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